A Zombie-e-e

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Script?

Michael- Since the death of my dog, I have always been trying to revive him using a special drug I have created to revive the dead.
I have always been taking a liking to zombies and I don’t know why.

[Michael enters an abandoned building on the hill beside the city where he kept the body of his dead dog]
Michael- Just a little more Joe and you will be back on your feet again.
Girl- Who will be back on his feet again? That dead dog over there?
Michael- W-w-who are you?
Lara- I am Lara, a schoolmate of yours.
Michael- How did you know that I was here?
Lara- I followed you all the way here since you dropped your wallet and I intended to bring it back to you.
[Lara flashes Michael’s wallet]
Lara- In exchange for your wallet, I would like to know what you are doing to this dog and this plants.
[Michael explains the whole ressurrection drug to Lara and also his zombie fetish]
Lara- So if I die, will you revive me too?
Michael- Well… I-
Lara- [Shouts] Joe is breathing again!
[Michael goes to Joe. During this time, Lara gets a sample of the drug then drinks it herself]
[Lara then says goodbye to Michael]
[It starts to rain]
Michael- I better go home. Let’s go Joe.
Joe- Woof Woof!

[As he was walking by, he saw a figure not too far away from a cliff at the side of the hill]
Michael-Hey! That’s dange-
[The shadow falls off the cliff]
[Michael runs to the edge to see who jumped down. He saw the body on the ground down below. He quickly went to the location of the body,
only to find out it was someone he knew]
Michael- Lara, w-wh-why did y-y-you jump?
Lara- I was testing your drug and it works, I don’t even feel pain. I have always wanted to be free from my own world. Everything in there has rules! But now that I
dead and your drug brought me back, you will take responsibilty. Right?
[Michael takes her home to study more about the body of the zombie and he discovers love in the process. The End?]

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